Monday, September 20, 2010

Week Nine - Operations Management and Supply Chain

1. Define the term operations management

Operations manaegement in a firm is based accross all departments and consists of converting resources from inputs to outputs. For example, an online travel agent creating holiday packages for customers. The input is all the airfares, hotels, and tours. The output is the itinerary with the final price for the package.

2. Explain operations management’s role in business

Operation managers control the flow of inputs and outputs in an organisation. Their role consists of:
Forecasting: knowing when particular services need to be done during the year. 
Capacity planning: how much inputs are needed to make outputs.
Schedualling: need to have a system in place stating who does what and by when
Managing inventory: the more inventory held, more money is spent which could go towards other things.
Assuring quality: ensuring the quality of the input matches the output product
Training and motivating employees: ensuring all employees are properly trained and are motivated will create better output by them.
Locating facilities: delegating the right inputs to the right departments will increase better chances of output.

3. Describe the correlation between operations management (OM) and information technology (IT)

Modern OM relies heavily on IT that OM can not do their jobs without IT. OM allows managers to:
- Find out what resources and how much of it is needed.
- Know when the work needs to be done
- Know where the work will be carried out
- Know how the work will be performed
- Who will take part in doing the work

4. Explain supply chain management and its role in a business

Supply chain management consists of managing the flow of information between and among stages in a supply chain to increase the profitability and effectiveness in the total supply chain. Its role is important in a business as it allows more efficiency in its productions of good and services- being more effecting and efficent in turning inputs into outputs.

5. List and describe the five components of a typical supply chain

•Supplier: supplies the raw materials (also known as inputs) to the manufacturer.

•Manufacturer: produces raw materials into products (also known as outputs) for distribution.

•Distributor: recieves the products form the manufacturer in bulk and sells to retailers.

•Retailer: sells the products to customers (known as target market).

•Customer: known as the end party consume the product purchased.

Dis-intermediation is caused from the use of eCommerce. This is known as the removal of stages in the supply chain (e.g: customer directly dealing with the manufacturer, instead of through the retailer).

Below: an example of travel and tourism supply chain

6. Define the relationship between information technology and the supply chain.
In the supply chain, IT plays an important role. It is relied on to make accurate decisions reflecting each step in the supply chain. Without IT, businesses would be either
- Creating too much stock which is not selling
- Creating too little stock which is in high demand
With the help of IT, businesses are able to keep record on how much stock is available at present, how much needs to be orded in the future and also make decisions to whether profits are being generated from the goods sold and whether they should contine to produce them or not.

Below: video shows examples of ways to control stock

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 8 - Networks and Wireless

1.Explain the business benefits of using wireless technology.

• Connect to the network any time: by the use of LANs and WANs, employees could process their work outside of the office.
• Can process, send and receive information at any location: broadband allows access to the internet anywhere in the office building.
• Less cable lines used means more space in the office: therefore there would be more space to move around and less wires on the floor reduces hazards in the office.

2.Describe the business benefits associated with VoIP

VOIP enables phone calls, faxes, voice mail, e-mail and Web conferences over digital networks.

It saves money by:
  • Running over an existing network
  • Calling over the internet with no bill attached.

3. Compare LANs and WANs

LAN- Local Area Network
• Connects a group of computers together that are located in the same geographical area.
• The computers could be located at home, within a company or school network.
• Most are built using Ethernet cables, networks and hubs.
• The smallest LAN consists of 2 computers and a large LAN can consist of thousands of computers.

Below: Image of a LAN structure in a workplace

WAN- Wide Area Network
• Connect computers together located in regional or national boundaries.
• WANs are usually built for organisations and are usually private.
• Usually built using a lease line which is quite expensive.

Below: The image shows a typical set up of a WAN within an office environment

4.Describe RFID and how it can be used to help make a supply chain more effective.

RFID- Radio Frequency Identification provides a unique identification for certain devices. They are small electronic devices which once are scanned can retrieve data which is stored on it

They can help a supply chain by easily identifying what is in the shopper’s grocery bag and adding up the total price. RFID are more effective and efficient from barcodes as they use up less time from individually scanning each item.

Below: example of how RFID is used on wine bottles instead of barcodes

5. Identify the advantages and disadvantage of deploying mobile technology

• Accessed anytime and anywhere
• Can send and receive both text, pictures and videos on the go
• Easier to access information whenever it is needed
• Don’t need to connect your phone to a wireless network as you mobile phone provider can provide the connection.

• Mobile phone screens can be quite small to see the text at times
• Some devices are not able to open certain pages due to the software it uses
• People become dependent on their mobile
• Unable to print from your mobile

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 7- Database and Data Warehouse

1. List, describe, and provide an example of each of the five characteristics of high quality information.

Accuracy: Information needs to be accurate and high quality. High accuracy will allow organisations to meet their goals. E.g: Excel spreadsheets designed to report monthly sales figures for a clothes store.
Completeness: Gives a big part of the picture of the information being reported. E.g: Total sales figures of a shoe store for the whole year.
Consistency: It is important to keep information reported consistant, to keep all added information on the same level as what was previously reported. E.g: When adding a telephone no. in the field, the field wont accept more than a 10 digit number to reduce inaccuracy.
Uniqueness: In order to add value to an organisation, information must be unique and distinctive. E.g:Is the information available on other sites?
Timeliness: New and current data is more valuable to an organisation than old and outdated information. It is important to keep up to date with information, as the era is more competitive. Eg: Real time information.

2. Define the relationship between a database and a database management system.

Database: A collection of organised information that allows data to be manipulated or extracted to suit the reporting needs.
Database management system: A set of programs used for managing the database. It facilitates the creation and maintenance and use of an electronic database.

3. Describe the advantages an organisation can gain by using a database.

Increased flexibility:
- Handles changes quickly and easily.
- Provides users with different views.
Increased scalability and performance
-scalability: How well a system can adapt to increased demands.
-Performance: measures how quicky a system performs a certain process or transaction.
Increased information integrity (quality)
Assurance that the information has not been changed or altered since the last time accessed.
Increased information security
- Information must be protected as it is an organisational asset. This is controlled through passwords and access controls.

An example of a database is MySQL is below

4. Define the fundamental concepts of the relational database model.

A database system in which any database file can be part of more than one of the database's tables.

5. Describe the benefits of a data-driven website.

Development- Allows owner to make changes to website at anytime-> user friendly.
Content Management- A static website required a programmer to make updates. This can lead to misunderstandings to desired changes.
Future Expandability- Allows the site to grow faster allowing changes to be easily updated.

6. Describe the roles and purposes of data warehouses and data marts in an organisation


Data Warehouses
A logical gathering of information from different databases supporting business analysis and decision making.
Data Marts
Contains a subset (a set of numbers who are part of another set) of data warehouse information.

Data Warehouses
To aggregate information through the organisation into a single location of storage, so employees can make decsions and undertake business activities. Therefore the information stored to support decision making processes.

Below is an image showing an example of data warehouse

Data Mart
Focuses on informational subsets depending on the needs of a business unit such as finance or production.

Below is an image showing the components that make up a data mart

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Week 6 - Chapter 5 Architectures

1. What is information architecture and what is information infrastructure and how do they differ and how do they relate to each other?

Information architecture: Consists of how to store files and where.
Information infrastructure: Consists of how the architecture works. How reliable and flexible it is, is important.
Architecture: Is how the system will be used in the organisation. It includes all the systems and file paths involved in storing files.
Infrastructure: The way in which the files are stored and ensures that is runs well.
Architecture relies on infrastructure as infrastructure ensures works behind the scenes to ensure that the files are stored properly and that the system is working well and is up to date with minimum error.

Below shows a link of how different infromation architecture looks like

Below is an image showing how an information infrastucture on a national scale looks like

2. Describe how an organisation can implement solid information architecture
List and describe the five requirement characteristics of infrastructure architecture.

Implement solid information architecture-
By creating a blog site which enables employees and employers to create and distribute information within and amongst different sections of the organisation. This will be an easy and less time effective way to send messages and updates around the organisation.
Five requirement characteristics-
1. Flexibility – must meet all types of business changes. It is designed to include the ability to handle multiple currencies and languages, even if the company is not yet operating overseas.
2. Scalability – is how well a system can adjust to increased demands. Capacity planning determines the future IT infrastructure necessities for new equipment and additional network capacity.
3. Reliability – ensures all systems are functioning correctly and providing accurate information.
4. Availability – addresses when systems can be accessed by employees and customers. High availability refers to a system or component that is continuously operational for a desirably long length of time.
5. Performance – measures how quickly a system performs a certain process or transaction in terms of efficiency IT metrics of both speed and throughput.

3. Describe the business value in deploying service oriented architecture

A SOA will allow organisations to become integrated with other businesses which makes working together easier. It also ensures that IT systems can adapt quickly and rapidly to support business needs. Using Meta data, they can re use systems many times which makes development cheaper and flexible.

4. What is an event?

It is an event example which the flow of program is determined by events such as sensor outputs, the amounts of clicks per page or messages etc.

5. What is a service?

A service cab be a business task, such as checking a potential customer's credit rating. They are similar to software products.

6. What emerging technologies can companies use to increase performance and utilise their infrastructure more effectively?
-Virtualisation- enables division of recourses of a computer into different environments.
-Loose Coupling- services joined together on demand to create complex services.
-Grid computing- collection of dispersed computing, storage and network resources, used to improve quality of service.

Below is an example of a virtualisation desktop using Mac

Below is an image of how grid computing works